Patients will start with their initial appointment which is around 90 minutes in length. During this appointment our Osteopathic Practitioner will ask basic questions and assess your symptom. Patients are asked to bring in any reports, x-rays, or MRI reports with them so we can go over those as well. The assessment generally lasts 30 minutes. Once the assessment is completed then the treatment session will start, which is usually 60 minutes in length.
Best Manual Osteopaths in Oakville

After your initial appointment, depending on your symptom, it is often recommended to have 45-60 minutes follow-up appointments. Your follow up appointments will be weekly for the next 3 to 4 sessions. Once the body starts to heal and the patient can notice the difference in their health then the follow ups will be every two or three weeks apart. In some cases, some patients will be asked to continue with one session monthly to keep a good balance. We have seen amazing results with patients who continue with their monthly appointments for maintenance of good health.