“Oakville Osteopathic Clinic” is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in all of our business transactions. We have embraced this code of ethics to assist our employees and contractors in conducting business in an ethical, moral, and compliant manner.
We’re committed to managing our business ethically and sustainably. We consider the effects that our decisions and actions will have on the economy, society, and environment. Our objective is to increase our positive contributions to society while decreasing our negative ones.
These principles guide everything we do and show how committed we are to conducting business in an ethical, responsible, and lawful manner. Infractions of this code will result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment or business relationships.
Inclusion and Diversity
We value diversity and inclusivity in both our business partners and employees. We respect and value the differences among people, communities, and worldviews. We do not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination based on protected characteristics, including age, disability, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Protection of Company Assets
We ensure that the company’s assets and resources are used responsibly, ethically, and solely for legitimate business purposes.
Compliance with laws
We follow by all applicable laws and regulations, and we expect contractors and employees to know and abide by the laws that apply to our business.
We protect the privacy of our customers, employees, and business partners, and we only divulge such information when required or authorized by law.
Interest-Related Conflicts
We avoid situations where our duties to render impartial services or our own financial or personal interests conflict with those of third parties. Both employees and contractors disclose any current or potential conflicts of interest.
Sincerity and Equity
When we engage with customers, employees, and business partners, we act honorably and honestly. We don’t misrepresent our products or services or make up claims. We don’t act in an unfair or dishonest manner.